Who was the first Creator? Who created the stars in the sky?

Genesis 1:1 // In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 

As Christians, it is important to share our faith in all we do. As creative Christians, it is through the gifts and talents our Lord has given to us. Sometimes it is direct, with biblical speech, writing or prayer – and sometimes indirectly – through abstract art, service or our own testimony and experiences with the people that we meet and cross paths with. We have to constantly discern how to give Glory to Christ through our work. We are not forced to do this, it is a JOY to do this. Once that peace from God has been felt through our creation, and He has spoken to us and through us in only the way He knows how – it becomes second nature to share. Just as one would want to share a good experience about their doctor or best friend – this is the same way we feel about sharing our experience with Jesus.

As God continues to mold me into the artist He knows will best give Him glory – thus bringing me and those around me joy – my eyes will continually be opened. EVERY SINGLE MORNING. Sometimes taking two steps back because life is definitely not perfect – but always looking up when the pressure and judgement of this world weighs heavy. Also, sometimes taking two steps back on this Earth, is not what it seems. When I can remember that perspective, and when I can pray through it and connect with our Almighty Creator – I can feel the peace that God wants me to have. It’s important to be real with one another. It’s important to listen to one another and hear others be real with us. Then, finally we need to use our rawness to sharpen one another.

When we are real with one another, when we share with one another –  the good and the bad – we need to remember that it isn’t to make us look righteous or good … it is to make God look good.

I’m not going to front, and say I haven’t struggled with what decision to make and when to make it. I have had projects that have crumbled to the ground only to feel angst, depression, and darkness knocking at my door. I fall so far from perfection, and that is what makes me so thankful that He calls us to rest, thankful from fellowship from others and thankful that He doesn’t look for perfection. If you guys knew my everyday, you’d see that this holds so much truth. My house is typically a mess unless it’s a special occasion, my clothing emulates constant loungewear and my hair is sometimes brushed surrounding a face with no makeup and tired eyes because … this is the season I’m in right now. I definitely want to improve though, and will always be reaching toward excellence to show up for the Lord, but I will not strive to do such excellence for anyone else. Do NOT do this for others. Don’t do it for yourself even. I know that can seem confusing at times, but seek your heart and read His word for clarification. Whatever you do … do it for HIM. He doesn’t abandon you.

Your story is something special and your flaws alongside your skills, can bring unique service to others. Count your thorns as blessings more often, and see how often it presents as ways to connect to others. Escape comfort zones, and if you fail – it’s all good. We tell this to our friends, loved ones, and kids all the time, don’t we? Seems so simple and an easy one to talk about – but practicing it is another story. Don’t give up even if the obstacles and words from others and your mind seem harsh. Talk to those that will constructively help you. Keep chipping away, artist. Keep pruning and blooming. Even when it hurts. Listen and be obedient when it is time to PRUNE. This will leave room for more flowers to grow. Keep your heart open and chin up. You are made in HIS image.

We are God’s masterpiece. Imagine you knew that, right? You are. You are God’s masterpiece. Every single one of you. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10) Just as every masterpiece has a process, and every large invention, plan, and work of art has layers – so do you. Let the process be a gift. Hold onto it. Embrace it. If it is causing stress or confusion, maybe even let it go. Pray that God will show you your next steps. Watch how He works then. Watch how He will light your path.

We were all born with different talents – and we are not called to be the same. It’s so refreshing to explore that individuality that God has given you. Try it. We are definitely called to have discernment biblically, but this does not mean we need to all be the same. Scope out what makes you unique and hold onto that! Pray to God about this unique quality that God has given to you. With this unique quality – you have the power – THROUGH Christ – to reach the unreachable. To reach those that feel unworthy or left out. You have the power and capability to create and worship at the same time – because Jesus gave you this power and capability. Think about it. We must learn from the first Entrepreneur and Creator.

To end this, I want to encourage you Christian. I want to encourage you, artist. You are all artists here. In your hands, and through your heart – with focus on the Lord – you will create beautiful masterpieces of your own. You will speak out to so many, and God wants you to live this out with the beauty He’s gifted to you. Some works of art may be things to hold in your hand, some may be visuals to watch in awe, some might bring sweet music to our ears, and some things are experiences that are filled with His spirit. Come what may – He has instilled and woven every piece of your being for a divine purpose.

Let every skillful craftsman among you come and make all that the Lord has commanded // Exodus 35:10


Dreams of a sojourner //

What an interesting experience this is. Each step leading to deeper waters – drowning in the awe and perfect fear of the massive LOVE that Jesus pours out. An ocean of which I’ve never experienced before. Although at times my head is barely able to stay above horizon – my heart says tread on – no matter how tired you are. Rest and lay back with the current. Lean back and let your shoulder blades float, let His love hold your weight. No matter how many ships decided to pull in the life vest after valiantly throwing them out. It was all an illusion – those helpful passengers seeking things for their own good – screaming it will all be ok. I don’t blame them. Forgive them for they know not what they do. Scattered thoughts I share – it’s nothing to pity or worry – it’s a call for prayer as I hope we all would do when we can’t see the ground beneath. The lighthouse in the distance is showing me direction and that’s all I need. Dreaming of becoming the moonlight high above the waters – reflecting so bright and wanting to shine on. Maybe there will be a beautiful twist and I’ll fall deep deep deep only to be lifted up from underneath. Straight through the waves and out in the storm. Then I’ll go running – skipping by blackness and falling back to my knees. A sojourner’s dance. A dance until we meet. Until then, I hope You say well done … my faithful servant.  


// Stacey Muniz {2016}



Stacey Muniz – Daughter and child of God. Photographer and entrepreneur of 2 separate business ventures. One for portraiture and documentations of a wide variety & another specifically for engagements and weddings. Married to her husband Benjamin for 7 years, with 2 homeschooled kiddos and 2 pups.  She is on a mission to take photographs + chase light only to give Glory to the One who always fulfills His promises. They LOVE connecting to other people in their local community of Gainesville, FL – alongside traveling to widen their scopes and experiences with others.


SoulThreading.com // TwoSoulsThreading.com